Friday, July 4, 2014

West's reward and Undeserving and Ungrateful colonies

On the subject of India being ruled, Karl Marx approved: "The question is not whether the English had a right to conquer India, but whether we are to prefer India conquered by the Turk, by the Persian, by the Russian, to India conquered by the Briton".

 Karl  Marx was a savage by results of his work. He appears as a mad man with so many confusions. Obsessed with his confusions, He had less idea on world, civilization and India. The man is responsible for creating theories by modifying Hagel, incidentally Hagel's  with postulation "world as an idea" would be shocked to find some Indians talking  "world as a dream" .

The article quotes  George MacDonald Fraser as Victorian empire "the greatest thing that ever happened to an undeserving world".

"Peter Whitfield, writing in Travel: A Literary History" -  "It amounted to a theory of cultural destiny – that the European maritime nations were destined to bring Christianity and civilisation to a pagan and savage world, and their reward was to be the wealth and riches which the indigenous populations themselves were incapable of appreciating and valuing."

Sounds like Jehad, where Jehadis are promised plunder, wealth and women.

On Orientalism : "Underlying colonialism was what the author Edward Said described in 1978 as Orientalism. This was a reference to the patronising attitude of Westerners towards Asian, Middle Eastern and African societies. They were seen as static and underdeveloped, to be shaped by a superior West in accordance with its own image."

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